Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day at Grandma Jost's House

We went to Grandma Jost's as always for Christmas day. We missed Mom and Dad. (back surgery) Lots of fun though and a beautiful day! So blessed!

Sherry and her cake hole maker...I am jealous

Sami and his new firetruck

Some football action going on to Christopher's delight

Sami would push it up the sidewalk .....

and back down the sidewalk....

Christmas Morning

It is always so fun to watch the kids on Christmas morning. They are so excited and very thankful for each present. Just love them!

Henry managed to chew up most of our sports balls around here so Christopher got a replenishment for Christmas

The truck was actually given to Sami from Diane and Donna on Christmas Eve, but he hasn't stopped playing with it so we put it with the other presents.

Grace's haul

Sami's haul

Grace and Christopher were so sweet with Sami. They helped him every step of the way and enjoyed watching him as much as Chris and I did.

Henry loving his present too

Christopher's haul

Loves his cars

This is how Grace looks 90% of the time:)

Christopher got his IMAX Jungle

Loving her camera

Sami would have liked his own real telephone for Christmas, but no such luck.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

As a tradition, we celebrate the Skiljan family Christmas on Christmas Eve. It is always busy, loud and really really fun! The kids LOVE playing with their cousins and of course, the many presents they get to open.

Grace with her cousins!

Sami once again enjoyng opening his presents



Thanks Aunt Christine for hosting!!

We are very blessed!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Night at the Loop and Zoo

With Chris off for a couple weeks, we are trying to sqeeze in some fun things to do. We went to the Loop for dinner and ice cream at Ben & Jerrys then to the zoo to see the lights. Had fun!